Rabu, 26 September 2012

Bio Fact Part I

This is the bio fact from me and my beloved books just enjoy and read yak!
  1. In our skin surface there are 2.5 millions sweat glands. The palm and the tip of fingers are the examples of the body surface which have the least amount of sweat glands.
  2. Liver is the biggest organ weight 1.5 kg. *yaiyalah Tita! :O
  3. More than 90% of hepatitis disease is caused by hepatitis A, B, and C viruses.
  4. The difference between female and male hip can be seen clearly. Female hip is bigger than the male hip due to pregnancy and delivery reason.
  5. AIDS has infected 38.6 millions people in the world. In January 2006, UNAIDS and WHO estimated that AIDS has caused 25 millions people death since it was admitted in 15 June 1981. So, it’s one of the deathly epidemics in history.
  6. Mendel conducted his experiment by breeding thousands of pea plants for 8 years (1856-1863). *WOW, semangatnya! Ruuaar biasa!!!
  7. The use of tempe as food is more advantageous than that of soybean. Tempe is more nutritious and delicious than soybean, and also fermentation makes tempe easier to digest.
  8. Almost 4 billions of people are depend on rice. Rice is the first staple food having genome map. *Hebat, hebat!
  9. The lack of vitamin A and zinc in rice causes blindness and anemia.
  10. (Special from me): Flashlight fish (Photoblepharon pelpebratus) are able to emit light in the dark sea. This light is produced by luminescence bacteria emission which is continuously flashes in the gill cover/operculum. The light is used to attract the preys, give sign to the other members of the species and make the enemies confused.
The picture of the fish:

Okay, maybe it’s just little of bio fact that I can give to you. Thank you :D

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